Interview with Alea O'Shea

We are thrilled to be collaborating with the incredible Alea O’Shea in a once in a lifetime Online Jazz Masterclass!

Vancouver based, Australian dancer and actress Alea O’Shea is widely recognised for assisting Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler on their 2018 Australia and New Zealand Tour. Having worked with choreographer Marko Panzic on a number of occasions, played Darcy Callahan on Australian Soap Opera Home and Away in 2011 to 2014, as well as running her own online store, Oshean, Alea has a wide range of talents that we are excited for her to share with us!

We sat down with Alea to interview her about her personal and professional life.

1. What made you fall in love with dance?

Initially I danced because my Mum owned a studio and it was all I knew! Later in my life I started to find a love for it. I love to entertain and connect with people, whether through dancing, acting or even just talking, and this was something that was prevalent since I was young. So dancing was another great way to do that, and caused me so much joy when doing it.

“I love to entertain and connect with people”

 2. When did you start dancing?

Honestly when I was born. If I wasn’t in a class I was in a cot in the studio with my Mum, haha! But I think as soon as I was able to walk I joined classes.

3. What is your favourite memory of dance?

To be honest I love looking back on all the memories made in the studio. Wether it be the 8 hour days before concerts, staying late to finish routines we were performing the next days, or even breaking my wrist during practice haha! Yes of course winning and trophies feel AMAZING in the moment, but for me, the friendships and moments you make with your team are irreplaceable. I grew up at my studio and credit so much of my growth, morals and discipline to the lessons I learnt in dance.

“The friendships and moments you make with your team are irreplaceable.”

4. What is your favourite style of dance?

Hmm. I love a good commercial jazz number as I feel it’s very enjoyable as well as entertaining but contemporary has also always been a favourite of mine. 

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5. What has been your favourite experience thus far, in your dance career?

The Maddie and Kenzie Tour was definitely an amazing time. Getting to tour the country and NZ, dance all day, annoy Marko (hehe), make new friends and experience everything with a group of the BEST people was amazing. Other than that performing at events such as ADF with The Dream Dance Company is a very fond memory I look back on.

6. Who do you feel has supported you the most in your dance career?

My mum, first and foremost. From getting me into it, to driving me everywhere, cheering me on and consoling me through the lows. And also for not ever forcing me to do anything. You’d think a studio owner would be pushy, especially on their only daughter. But, she let me choose whether I wanted to do solos, quit ballet (only for a year then swiftly got me back into it haha) and let me find the love for it myself. Also as a teenager I thank Marko Panzic alot for his mentoring, friendship and opportunities he opened up for me. He is truly a genius and an inspiration to me in a lot of aspects. 


7. What do you eat in a day to keep yourself fueled?

If you look on my youtube channel (just search Alea O’Shea) I have uploaded a few videos about this, BUT. I love to eat (don’t we all), and am super passionate about influencing younger and older girls about how important food is for our development in health. Growing up is hard. Especially when so many expectations and ideals are placed on us through social media and other environments, and sometimes we forget to appreciate and love our body and all it does for us, especially as dancers!! My favourite foods are either oats, pasta, tacos, anything with peanut butter and of course ice cream.

8. What was it that inspired you to move to Canada?

Well! A lot of things really. I had just finished school, and although achieving a great mark and getting accepted into my uni courses, I never saw myself continuing tertiary education. I always wanted to chase my dreams, and if that didn’t work, I would fall back on my “safer” aspirations of school. I also got represented for acting in Canada and LA so that gave me even more motivation to get over here and amongst it. It’s not a sprint though! It’s definitely a marathon. Some days I miss home, family and being comfortable. But the eventual reward of taking the leap and achieving my dreams makes it all worth it.

9. How many hours do you currently train per week in dance and what were the most you have done (and when)?

I currently do more teaching than training. Teaching around 11 hours a week and maybe taking 1-2 classes a week. But, when I was still at school and training I would dance easily over 35 hours a week. I went to a performing arts school as well as dancing at JWDA, and doing outside programs/workshops so it was non stop, haha!

10. What are you most proud of about yourself?

Most probably my passion and drive. When I put my mind towards something and commit, I have full belief in myself that I can achieve it. If my life were a story it would have a multitude of different chapters down different paths because I never like to tell myself “you couldn’t do that” straight away. I’ll always give something a go before deciding.


11. Who is your favourite dancer and why?

This is an extremely hard question!! I have always idolised Michael Dameski because I think it’s amazing how 1. Talented he is and 2. He made a name for himself not only here but worldwide as well! But I am always super inspired by the dancers who take risks and take classes way out of their comfort zones.

12. What has been your favourite part of being in lockdown?

SO MUCH. I am the most introverted extrovert you’ll ever meet. At first lockdown was scary as my external activities were taken away from me. But I am very creative and always have 100 things I want to do so I've finally had some time to do so. Like launching my Isolation best self ebooks and website ( if you want to check it out). Also I hardly ever practice self care, as I guilt myself into being”‘productive”, so having this extra time has taken the pressure off… A little.

13. Funniest thing a student has ever said to you?

This is a hard one. Once a student did a poorly executed turn and I said “Oh gosh, that was as bad as…” and couldn’t think of something. And she just says “A chocolate muffin with dirt on the top, but you think it's sugar, so you still eat it?”. And I LAUGHED for ages. Little kids are so random and great.

14. Do you have any tips for aspiring dancers who look up to you?

Work hard, quit comparing and remember it’s never going to be perfect. It doesn’t matter if you can’t do 10 turns, or win your local competition. If you have a genuine love for it you will outgrow everyone around you who is in it for the external gratification. 

Andrea Toronyi