The Dancer's Secret to Getting Your Splits


The splits are often seen as a vital part of being a dancer. Working on your splits and leg flexibility in general also aids in a lot of dance movements, including kicks, leaps and acrobatic movements. While the splits do aid in flexibility and obtaining certain moves, it is important that dancers realise that it is easier for some people to be able to do the splits than others. It is also important to note that everyone progresses at their own rate and no one should feel pressured or as though they ‘have to’ be able to do the splits. At AT Dance, we believe that there should be no pressure placed on any student for such skills and encourage students to perform to the best of their abilities. If you stretch, you must also keep up your strength so as to ensure you do not end up with weak or damaged muscles.


Tips for getting your splits:

  1. Aim to stretch for 10-15 minutes a day minimum. Set aside some time for stretching, maybe just before bed or as you wake up. The more you stretch and the more consistent you are in doing them every day, the faster you will get your splits.

  2. Warm up. Do some active warm-up exercises, which will get your muscles and ligaments ready to stretch. Maybe go for a run or do some aerobic exercise. Strike a balance between static and dynamic exercise, static exercises being where you stand, sit or lie and hold a certain position for a period of time, such as calf stretches. Dynamic exercises are where you control your body’s movements and perform the exercise at even increments, for example, jump squats.

  3. If you feel pain, STOP. Your legs should feel stretched, but not to the point of pain. Do not force yourself down, as this may result in pulled muscles.

  4. Practice the splits! The best way to get your splits, is to practice them! Slowly slide yourself down, and after a few weeks, you should see yourself getting down further, and should eventually reach the floor.

  5. Distract yourself while doing the splits. There is no denying that stretching for your splits can hurt or be uncomfortable, as your muscles are not used to being stretched in these ways. Distracting yourself from the pain will help you stay in your splits for longer. You may like to watch some TV in the splits, scroll through Instagram or put on some music to help motivate you.

  6. Make sure you are doing the splits in a comfortable environment. Soft quilts or mattresses may be a good idea, or if that is not possible, try them on grass.

  7. Wear stretchy and comfortable clothes that will allow you to stretch properly. Wear leggings or active shorts as stiff jeans may restrict your legs from doing the splits properly.

  8. Stay positive! Have an “I can do it attitude”. You’ll notice it really helps your motivation and will help you get your splits.

  9. Remember: it takes time. Don’t be disheartened if it takes weeks, or even months (depending on how flexible you currently are) to get your splits. Your body will do the splits when it’s ready.

Stretches to get your splits:

Therabends are very useful for your splits. Keep in mind we have some great therabends available for purchase at the studio! You can check them out and order them on our website here.

Stretching and warming up is not only important for getting your splits, but for any kind of movement. Remember, only do this if you feel comfortable doing it!

AT Dance Team